Extra long braces, available at mensbraces4him.co.uk
Need extra long braces? Buy them at mensbraces4him.co.uk
Extra long braces
Braces: We all know them and many men wear braces with some regularity. Most braces in our shop have a standard length of 120/ 125 cm, are elastic and easily adjustable in size. In practice, however, a standard length of 120/ 125 cm is not enough for every man. That is why we also have extra long braces. At 140cm long, these XL braces from E.L. Cravatte are a lot longer than the standard braces we offer.
When to wear extra long braces
You might ask yourself, when do you actually wear extra long braces? There are several answers to this question. Men with a longer body length, at least over 195cm, often find that standard 120cm braces are on the short side. Of course, this depends not only on your height, but also on your build. But as a rule, if you are 195 cm or taller, you should choose extra-long braces.
As already mentioned, the build of the body also influences the number of cm you need for your braces. Extra long braces are therefore very suitable for men with a larger size, or a size more as the distance from shoulder to waistband of the trousers is longer.
Our E.L. Cravatte XL braces are also made of elastic material and remain adjustable in size. This means they can also be worn shorter than 140 cm.
Extra long braces, extra sturdy? 
Are extra long braces also extra sturdy? Yes, in a certain sense they are. The straps of the E.L. Cravatte extra long braces are 3.5 cm wide and are fitted with extra wide and sturdy clips. The fact that these braces have an X-shape also contributes to the comfort and sturdiness. The extra long brackes are divided over 4 fasteners instead of the more common 3-point fastener with y-shaped braces. In addition, an X-shape gives a comfortable feeling.
Because the extra long braces are designed with a view to comfort for the wearer, these braces are also very suitable for heavier trousers, for example, trousers for skiing, motorcycling or certain professions such as gardener, plumber, etc. As mentioned earlier, the braces are adjustable in length so if you are going to wear the braces functionally for heavier trousers, you can also wear these braces if you are shorter than 195 cm and of a slim build.
The extra long braces are initially only available in a few basic colours. Naturally, we continue to keep a close eye on the range and the trends.
Are you looking for extra long braces for your company or association and is your desired colour not included? Please feel free to contact us and ask about the possibilities.